/* | Settings for a map with chart | @author Martino Kosterman | @date March 2017 | | NB Settings are CASE-sensitive !! | Following settings can be set: | - General like mapTitle, -Description, -Container | - main map and data | - backgroundlayers | - valueNotation like valueDecimals and valueSuffix | - colorAxis - */ mapSettings = { mapTitle: 'Levensverwachting per gemeente 2014', mapDescription: 'Choropleet met gemeenten in Nederland gekleurd naar overgewicht percentage (verwachting)', mapContainer: 'mapContainer', // id of html (div) element to draw map in (optional) // mapDrillUpText: '<< Terug naar Nederland', // [OPTIONAL] Text for drillup button overwrites lang setting in theme legendTitle: 'Jaren', chart: { title: 'Ontwikkeling levensverwachting laatste 20 jaar', dataColumns: ['1996-1998','1997-2000','1999-2002','2001-2004','2003-2006','2005-2008','2007-2010','2009-2012','2011-2014'], yAxis: { min: 75, max: 85 }, }, main: { map: { name: 'Gemeenten', description: 'Gemeenten met overgewichtpercentages', // Hidden description for screen readers url: '/sites/default/files/2017-03/gemg5_12.geojson.txt', key: 'gemnr_12', // Key for the joinBy property to map data to map shapes nameProp: 'gemnaam', // Property in geojson to use in tooltip etc as the name property of the shape }, data: { url: '/sites/default/files/2017-03/Levensverwachting per gemeente 1996-2014.csv_.txt', // relatieve url van csv data bestand ( separator: ',' en decimal point '.' // dataColumns: [Gemnr2015;Gemnaam;1996-1998;1997-2000;1999-2002;2001-2004;2003-2006;2005-2008;2007-2010;2009-2012;2011-2014], // OPTIONAL - dataColumns given should be at beginning of line in the correct order. If dataColums prop is MISSING, all columns of csv data will be read and headers in csv file will be uses as column name. key: 'Gemnr2015', // Key for the joinBy property to map data to map shapes nameProp: 'Gemnaam', // Property csv tot use as nameProp in csv export and view table // This prop is also used as first column in csv export and view table valueProp: '2011-2014', // [OPTIONAL] Default is 'value' tableColumns: ['2011-2014'], // [OPTIONAL] Columns to use in csv export and view table chartKey: 'Gemnr2015' } }, // backgroundLayers are added in order of appearance. They will appear in legend, accept for Nederland. LineWidth can be set for each layer // backgroundLayers: [ // { // name: 'Provincies', // url: 'geojson/prov2005.geojson', // type: 'map', // featuretype as in the Geojson // lineWidth: 1.0, // borderColor: '#6e6e6e' // }, // { // name: 'Nederland', // url: 'geojson/connl5_12.geojson', // type: 'mapline', // featuretype as in the Geojson // lineWidth: 1.5, // borderColor: 'black' // } // ], // Notation of values in tooltip etc valueNotation: { valueDecimals: 1, valueSuffix: ' jaar' }, // dataClasses for the choropleth from and to properties are not required for first and last class respectively colorAxis: { // min: 0, // max: 100 dataClassColor: 'category', colors: ['#edf8e9','#bae4b3','#74c476','#238b45'], // ColorRamp for the dataclasses dataClasses: [{ name: '0 - 81', from: 0, to: 81, }, { name: '81 - 82', from: 81, to: 82, }, { name: '82 - 83', from: 82, to: 83, }, { name: '> 83', from: 83, }] } }